Round 3 Team Knockouts

Third Round – Thursday 30th March


1. Hall Bower A V Golden Fleece or Underbank B 3. Grove V Waggon A

2. Cricketers or Vic Park A/BV Elephant & Castle 4. Honley Libs V Royal Oak A

 Please can the Vic Park / Cricketers supply result and the Golden Fleece and Underbank to enable opponents to know which venue to attend for the next round

Doubles fixtures start 22/02/17

First round – weds 22nd Feb
8-15 start  8-30 scratch   best of three

1. Netherton cons – R Haigh & M Brook
P Halstead & J Lee.
Winners play F Rochester & J Etchells.

2.Honley Libs – J Howard & D Howard
C Crossland & S Weatherby.
Winners play P Heady & D Tindall.

3.Waggon-      D Heywood & M Rollinson.
D Mawhinney & D Short.
Winners play  C Taylor & W Pickard.

4.Vic Park-     M Clough & C Keogh.
G Garside & N Lee.
Winners play  D Oakes & N Oakes.

5.Royal Oak-   J Pedelty & A Hirst.
J Poulain & C Brook.

6.Monkey Club- R Lodge & M Gabanski.
P Wilson & R Coward.

7.Hall Bower-  A O’Brien  &  D Frost.
S Kingston & J Mallinson.

8.Golden Fleece-  P Lindley & J Lindley.
M Berry  & A Rattigan.

Second Round  Weds 29th March – Best of Three

1.Royal Oak-   2  V  5

2. Vic Park-      1  V  4

3.Golden Fleece- 7  V  6

4.Monkey Club-  8  V  3

Semi-final round Weds 26th April. Venue to be decided

Sorry for the late posting of this it has been a difficult time for me recently  - I will try to improve

Singles fixtures Round One Wednesday 15th February 17

WINTER 16/17 SINGLES KNOCKOUTS -First round Weds 15th Feb

Best of Three       8-15 start  8-30 scratch  results to secretary asap 

1 Monkey Club .  R Wimpenny  V  K Thompson

                             D Rushworth  V  S Kingston

                             Winners play off

 2.Hall Bower .     P Lindley  V  J Lee

                            R Lodge  V  J Mallinson

                            Winners play off

 3.Netherton Con.  D Tindall  V  J Etchells

                               D Howard  V  Bye

                               Winners play off

 4.Honley Libs.    D Haywood  V  M Brook

                           P Halstead  V  C Crossland

                           Winners play off

 5.Vic Park.         S Weatherby  V  J Armitage

                          G Garside   V  P Heady

                          Winners play off

 6.Golden Fleece.  N Oakes  V  C Brook

                             F Rochester  V  A Rattigan

                             Winners play off

 7.Royal Oak.     D Day  V  W Pickard

                          J Howard  V T Lockwood

                          Winners play off

 8.Waggon .      A McGrath  V  C Taylor

                        M Hellawell  V  C Moon

                        Winners play off

 SECOND ROUND WEDS 15th March….Best of three…8-15 start, 8-30 scratch

 1.Netherton Con.    5  V  4                 2.Vic Park   8  V  3

 3.Waggon.  7  V  1                     4.Honley Libs.  6  V  2

 Semi-Final WEDS 12th APRIL  Best of Five…..venue to be decided.

Team Knockout Round 2 – 2nd March

Second Round – Thursday 2nd March


1. White Hart B   V      Honley libs         5. Royal Oak A   V      Waggon B

2. Hall Bower A   V Netherton Cons       6. Elephant        V      Honley Soc

3. Royal Oak B   V Waggon A               7. Golden Fleece V      Underbank B

4. Cricketers       V Vic Park A or Vic B   8. Grove    V New Mill club A


URGENT – Admin error in the books Section One and Two

Please accept my apologies for the administrative error in the new books for the winter 16 season.

The numbering on the teams in Section One and Section Two is wrongly shown in the books.  The first column of names should read 1. to 5. and not 6. to 10.  Please can you all correct this in your own teams books.

For clarity numbering is:

Section One

1. Honley Libs

2. New Mill Club B

3. Beaumont arms

4. Royal Oak A

5. Bye

The second column 6. to 10 remain as is

Section Two

1. Grove

2. Wagon & Horses B

3. White Hart New Mill B

4. Underbank A

5. Bye

The second column 6. to 10. remain as is.

Again this is my fault.  The full fixture list on the website is accurate so hopefully this will not confuse too much

Winter 16 Team Knockout Fixtures

Winter 2016 Team Knockout Fixtures


First Round – Thursday 12th January


1. Bye                                       V                      Wagon B

2. Wagon A                                V                      Postcard

3. Hall Bower A                           V                      Bye

4. Fleece                                    V                      Bye

5. Flying Ferret                           V                      New Mill A

6. Beaumonts                             V                      Honley Soc

7. New Mill B                              V                      Royal Oak B

8. Royal Oak A                           V                      Underbank A

9. Stumble                                 V                      Cricketers

10. Underbank B                        V                      Hall Bower B

11. Shoulder                              V                      Elephant

12. Victoria Park A                      V                      Victoria Park B

13. Monkey Club                         V                      Honley Libs

14. Foresters Crosland Moor         V                      White Hart B

15. Grove                                  V                      Bye

16. Netherton Cons                     V                      Jackson Bridge

Second Round – Thursday 2nd March

1. 14         V      13                     5. 8           V      1

2. 3           V      16                     6. 11         V      6

3. 7           V      2                      7. 4           V      10

4. 9           V      12                     8. 15         V      5

Third Round – Thursday 30th March 

1. 2           V      7                      3. 8           V      3

2. 4           V      6                      4. 1           V      5

Semi Final – Thursday 27th April 

  1. 2          V      1                      2. 4           V      3

Final To Be Arranged


Winter 16 Section Three Fixtures

Section Three

H             A

H              A

H              A

H              A

H              A



5      V     3

9      V      8

7      V      2

6      V      1

4      V     10

8th Dec


5      V     7

3      V      9

8      V      4

2      V      6

10    V      1

15th Dec


1      V     3

8      V      5

4      V      7

6      V      9

2      V     10

22nd Dec


9      V     2

5      V      1

7      V      3

6      V      4

10    V      8

5th Jan


8      V     6

4      V      5

3      V      2

1      V      9

7      V     10

19th Jan


3      V     4

8      V      7

2      V      1

5      V      6

10    V      9

2nd Feb


8      V     3

5      V      2

4      V      9

7      V      1

6      V     10

9th Feb


2      V     8

9      V      5

1      V      4

6      V      7

10    V      3

16th Feb


4      V     2

7      V      9

8      V      1

3      V      6

5      V     10

23rd Feb


3      V     5

8      V      9

2      V      7

1      V      6

10    V      4

9th Mar


7      V     5

9      V      3

4      V      8

6      V      2

1      V     10

16th Mar


3      V     1

5      V      8

7      V      4

9      V      6

10    V      2

23rd Mar


2      V     9

1      V      5

3      V      7

4      V      6

8      V     10

6th Apr


6      V     8

5      V      4

2      V      3

9      V      1

10    V       7

13th Apr


4      V     3

7      V      8

1      V      2

6      V      5

9      V     10

20th Apr


3      V     8

2      V      5

9      V      4

1      V      7

10    V       6

4th May


8      V     2

5      V      9

4      V      1

7      V      6

3      V     10

11th May


2      V     4

9      V      7

1      V      8

6      V      3

10    V       5

18th May


  1. Netherton Cons                                6. Golden Fleece
  2. Jackson Bridge                                7. New Mill A
  3. F’ing Ferret                                       8. Shoulder
  4. Honley Soc                                       9. Vic Park B
  5. Postcard                                            10. Stumble


Meetings:-            Weds 21st Dec

Weds 18th Jan

Weds 22nd March – A.G.M.

Weds 3rd May – Signing On Night


26th Jan ’17 – Presentation Night with Live Band at Honley Socialist Club