first round – thursday 1st Sept
Best of 3 frames 8-15pm start – 8-30 scratch.
1.New Mill Club.
P Halstead V B Moulds
winner plays D Day.
2.Honley Cons
L Ainley V T Craggs
Winner plays J Mallinson.
3.Monkey Club.
R Steel V T Proctor
Winner plays R Comins
R Lodge V J Mckie
Winner plays J Etchells.
K Horn V D O’Connor.
Winner plays J Swift.
6. Postcard.
D Barrow V M Brook.
Winner V V Washington
B Swift V M Washington
Winner V D Heywood.
8. Netherton Con.
A Stor V S Kingston.
Winner V S Morrison.
Second Round Thursday 8th Sept
Best of 5 8-15 pm start 8-30pm scratch.
6 V 3
2.New Mill Club.
2 V 7
3.Netherton Con.
5 V 8
4.Honley Cons.
1 V 4
Semi Final – Thursday 15th Sept
8-15pm start 8-30 pm scratch. Best of 5
4 V 1
2.Honley Cons.
2 V 3