Singles Knockout – drawn at meeting 5th January

The first round of the Singles K/O is on weds 19th January.The Draw will be held at the end of the first meeting on Weds 5th January at Thongsbridge Club.
The first two players named on your Team Registration sheet get automatic free entry into the draw.With regard to those teams who have not as yet submitted a registration sheet by the date of the first meeting-the players who represented your team in the first two singles games on the first match of the season will be deemed to be your first two registered players, and as such will receive free entry into the draw.Any further entrys are welcome at a cost of £2.50 per player.No ‘Late Entries’are allowed
Please note that the committee has reverted back to the original system that all teams must be individually represented.It is no longer acceptable for one person to represent both an A & B teams from the same venue.Any team that does not attend the meeting(s) will be fined £5.


The names that we hold for the singles are:

R Woodworth
M Hellawell
M Maude
D Reilly
C Crossland
D Crossland
L Wills
P Morris
Peter Sykes
Andy Bridgeman
P Jackson
C Sutton
R Taylor
P Lindley
N Bass Woodcock
M Gabanski
C Armitage
A Marriott
B Dinning
L Rice
M Walsh
D Day
Peter Jennett
Robert Tice
Richard Lodge
David Millington
T Dixon
M Dixon
Chris Keogh Jnr
Mat Brook
B Crossland
N Lee
D Jessop
M Hardy 
D Barrow
J L Hewison 
C Brook
M Poulain
Ian Pulford
Andrew Marsden
A Battye
D Hollingworth
R Hall (max)
R Clayton
R Kellett
A Taylor
B Dransfield
J Robinson
T Robinson
S Shepard
M Hellewell
D Ibberson
Paul Trayte 
T Trayte
Richard Booth
Tom Lockwood
G Peace
D Armitage

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